Frontend lab.
codebaby is a out of the box frontend lab to easy setup frontend projects.
codebaby is the working horse of a real word agency, which means it is stable and build for productivity. Sadly theres no documentation at the moment.
- os : macOS
- node : >=6.0.0
- npm : >=3.3.4
- curiosity
- ready for creating react, vue, typescript or classic ES5 projects.
- multiple projects with different project types in the same workspace.
- automated project creation , with tasks for development, production, remote and testing.
- global deployment script to create versioned project builds ( optional as .zip files ).
- integrated preprocessing options, to simplify project modifications.
- javascript bundle with rollup.js & babel.js.
- html templating with ejs.
- css creation with node.sass & postcss.
- img optimisation with imagemin.
- testing with tape, jasmine or mocha.
- integrated cordova module to build apps.
- integrated express module to handle server interaction.
npm install codebaby
after installion a npm script is added to your packacke.json
these task will setup all active projects defined in codebaby.config.js :
moduleexports = "projects": "foo": "" // es5 "foo-babel-env": "tpl=babel-env" // es6++ "foo-vue": "tpl=vue" "foo-react": "tpl=react" "foo-react-typescript": "tpl=react-typescript" "foo-angular-js": "tpl=angular-js" "foo-angular-js-typescript": "tpl=angular-js-typescript" "foo-typescript": "tpl=typescript" ;
After runing the script 'cb:setup' your package.json will be updated with new scripts to lanch your project(s).
( task options )
- dev -> NODE_ENV = 'develop'
- production -> NODE_ENV = 'production'
- remote -> remote mode
- test -> execute all tests (if tests enabled in projects/../config/build.js)
A new project 'foo' is created under /projects/foo.
Run script foo : dev
Codebaby asks you for installation of additional dependencies which are required ( depending on your project type ). Confirm installation in your console window, and the project will be launched in chrome browser.
Play with the code under project/foo/src.